National Certificate: Generic Management
- SAQA QUAL ID 59201 National Certificate: Generic Management NQF Level 5 (171 credits)
NQF Support Link (Learning Programme ID 78823):
ID 263976: Demonstrate understanding of the outcomes-based education and training approach within the context of a National Qualifications Framework, Level 5, 5 credits.
ID 114925: Manage learner information using an information management system, Level 5, 4 credits.
ID 114922: Provide guidance on the strategic governance of NQF implementation by education, training and development providers, Level 6, 4 credits.
ID 116811: Manage learning at an education, training and development provider, Level 6, 10 credits.
ID 263982: Manage assessment in a learning organisation, Level 6, 10 credits.
ID 263978: Develop plans for implementing Learnerships and Skills Programmes within a learning organisation, Level 6, 5 credits.
ID 116587: Develop, support and promote RPL practices, Level 7, 10 credits.
A person acquiring this qualification will be able to manage first line managers in an organisational entity. First line managers may include team leaders, supervisors, junior managers, section heads and foremen. The focus of this qualification is to enable learners to develop competence in a range of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values including:
Initiating, developing, implementing and evaluating operational strategies, projects and action plans, and where appropriate, recommending change within teams and/or the unit so as to improve the effectiveness of the unit.
Monitoring and measuring performance and applying continuous or innovative improvement interventions in the unit in order to attain its desired outcomes, including customer satisfaction, and thereby contributing towards the achievement of the objectives and vision of the entity.
Leading a team of first line managers, by capitalising on the talents of team members and promoting synergistic interaction between individuals and teams, to enhance individual, team and unit effectiveness in order to achieve the goals of the entity.
Building relationships using communication processes both vertically and horizontally within the unit, with superiors and with stakeholders across the value chain to ensure the achievement of intended outcomes.
Applying the principles of risk, financial and knowledge management and business ethics within internal and external regulatory frameworks in order to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the unit.
Enhancing the development of teams and team members through facilitating the acquisition of skills, coaching, providing career direction, and capitalising on diversity in the unit.
The skills, knowledge and understanding demonstrated within this qualification are essential for the creation of a talent pool of experienced and effective middle managers that represents the demographics of the South African society. This qualification will create a leadership cadre for the South African society throughout multiple industries and sectors both private and public.
The National Certificate: Generic Management, NQF Level 5 forms part of a learning pathway of management qualifications across various sectors and industries. It is specifically designed to develop management competencies required by learners in any occupation, particularly those who manage first line managers. The qualification builds on the FETC: Generic Management and further develops the key concepts, principles and practices of management that will enable learners to lead, manage, organise and control first line managers and team leaders. The learners will typically be managers who have other junior managers or team leaders reporting to them. In smaller organisations or entities, the managers could primarily be responsible for managing the supervisors and staff within their section, division or business unit.
The scope of generic management covers five domains: leadership, managing the environment, managing relations, managing knowledge and the practice of management. This qualification addresses each of these domains with generic competencies, so that it allows learning programmes to be contextualised for specific sectors and industries. It reflects a similar design to the FETC: Generic Management, in that it provides opportunities for learners to transfer between various specialisations within management. This leads to the strengthening of management competencies and will enable managers at this level to manage successfully systems, processes, resources, managers and teams in their various occupations and contexts.
This qualification is further intended to empower learners to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required to operate confidently as individuals in South African communities and to respond to the challenging economic environment and constantly changing world of work. Ultimately, this qualification is aimed at improving the effectiveness and leadership abilities of middle managers in various occupations in South Africa, in private and public business entities as well as non-governmental organisations. For this reason, the word 'entity' includes a company, business unit, public institution, small business or non-profit organisation.
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